Fueling For an Endurance Activity

Fueling For an Endurance Activity

To stay at the top of your game, it is important to intake the proper nutrition before, during, and after training. The proper endurance nutrition is also very important during the days prior to competition. Fueling your body is one of the easiest things that you can do to ensure that you can make it through an endurance competition without hitting a wall.

Many endurance athletes understand exactly what the caloric needs of their bodies are while training for a competition. Typically these endurance athletes eat between 50-65% of their total calories in the form of carbohydrates. The days preceding the event they switch their diets to a 60-65% carbohydrate diet. One of the other incredibly important aspects of endurance nutrition is choosing the right types of carbohydrates. Endurance athletes choose the right combination of slow and fast digesting carbohydrates. Slow digesting carbohydrates allow the body to burn the fuel much more slowly which means that they will have long lasting energy reserves. During competition is where many athletes forego endurance nutrition. They use the stores of glycogen within their muscles to get them through a race. This will inevitably lead to increased lactic acid and depleted energy stores. World class endurance athletes bring along fast digesting carbohydrates to ingest during their long distance events.

33Fuel offers the best in endurance nutrition for athletes. Our Chia Energy Gel packs are the perfect addition to your endurance competition. These squeeze packs can be prepared before a race and ingested during the race. They are comprised of slow and fast digesting carbohydrates that will help restore energy levels. We also carry shakes that are fantastic for training or after an endurance competition. We want to ensure that our athletes do not hit their metaphorical wall while competing. Stop in to order the best in endurance nutrition supplements, today! 

Chia Energy Gel
Ultimate Daily Greens Powder
Premium Protein Powder
Amore Natural Energy Bar