Podcast 79: Win at winter training with Taylor Thomas

Podcast 79: Win at winter training with Taylor Thomas

Endurance coach Taylor Thomas is this week’s guest on the 33Fuel podcast. In our conversation, Taylor shares how to win the winter training battle. Discover how to structure winter training to reap huge gains in summer. If you’re looking to give your winter training a boost and learn from one of the world’s best, you’re in the right place

Listen to Taylor Thomas on the 33Fuel Podcast

Founder of Thomas Endurance Coaching, Taylor believes so strongly in the power of the winter training months (from November to March for us in the Northern Hemisphere) that he’d rather work with an athlete in the winter than the race season:

I would feel more comfortable working with an athlete from October to March and then sending them out to their races than being with them through the race seasons. That way I know they’ll have the foundational and mental strength strength to be their best.

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Or watch the interview with Taylor Thomas on the 33Fuel YouTube Channel

33Fuel podcast show snippets – core building blocks of winter training for summer success

  • Make is specific. Winter training is all about individualisation. What are their strengths, weaknesses and goals? And what resources to they have to give to training and preparing for their goals? From here we create a plan. Individualisation is key
  • Build capacity. Building your capacity to do work is the next focus. There is value in coming back to the basics. We use a lot of tempo and sweetspot sessions as well as long aerobic sessions to build muscular endurance and aerobic capacity
  • Strength training. I’m also a big believer in strength training. Again, we have to work out what works for them, and it needs to be within their comfort zone. There’s a huge muscular component to endurance sports so integrating strength training is important for us. We do more strength training in the winter than summer. Again, it improves your capacity to handle more specific training come spring
  • Have a timeline. Don’t make the winter training drag too long. Work out how long your body needs to adapt to training and adjust for your own timeline.

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