Team 33Fuel ultramarathon and long distance triathlon

Team 33Fuel ultramarathon and long distance triathlon, race calendar
At 33Fuel we love a bit of competition - the longer and tougher the better. It was our own ultramarathon and long distance triathlon adventures that taught us sports nutrition, as it stood, was garbage. After yet another 'stomach shutdown' in yet another race we'd had enough so hit the kitchen to formulate our own products using the finest ingredients we could find.
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Years later and with business now booming, we're proud to say Team 33Fuel's staff are still carving out time to race. This year's race calendar looks a bit like this so far:
Jan - Apr: in search of speed we're hitting a series of 10ks, half marathons and ultimately marathons. Having done so much endurance we're decent mid-pack finishers overall - now it's time to see how fast we can go.
April: can mean only one thing, The Fellsman, 65 miles of off-road ultrarunning brutality across the very worst Yorkshire's moors can offer. An utter classic event and a real company favourite.
- Ah, the Fellsman, 60-plus miles of boggy magic
June: off to Italy for the Lavaredo Ultra Trail, perhaps the most beautiful mountain ultra going and a great barometer of UTMB readiness.
July: we'll be heading back to the stunning Alpe d'Huez triathlon (long version) again this year. If there's a more beautiful long-distance tri out there, we've yet to find it.
- The Alpe d'Huez long course triathlon - we raced this one when it chucked it down for the entire race and it was still awesome. If it's dry this year it'll be plain bloody spectacular
August: The Big One, we'll be running the awesome Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc once more. In 2012 rain of biblical proportions - it was that wet even Noah would have packed it in - cut the course short, as it had done in 2009, while injury and work load took us out of a 2013 return. So fingers crossed for a full 103 miles this year!
- It was running the UTMB way back that really began our endurance addiction here at 33Fuel
September onwards: who knows, maybe even time for a well-earned break? Although knowing us, that's unlikely.
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