The 33Fuel Blog

Maranoia - How To Beat It

Maranoia: the irrational fear of not having prepared enough for your impending marathon or endurance event. This terrible affliction hits athletes of all levels whether seasoned pros or first-timers, and the impacts can be huge. Beat it with our handy guide. 

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Lessons in grit for endurance
Lessons in grit for enduranceAll endurance sports demand a lot physically, and they also demand just as much mentally. This mental side is where grit comes in, the ability to push on when the body says enough. At the heart of it, that grit is endurance sport in a nutshell. But how do you develop [...]
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Build mental toughness
Build mental toughness: ignore those who say “you can’t do that”If you’re looking for motivation in your endurance training or next challenge, a good point to remember is to ignore anyone telling you that you can’t do something. Often they have your best interests at heart and mean well, but what they really mean when they [...]
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Endurance athlete mindset with David Blakeley
Endurance athlete mindset with David BlakeleyAt 33Fuel we were recently lucky enough to spend a morning training with the special forces soldier turned author David Blakeley. The workout was a peach, and Blakeley's insight into developing and honing mental toughness was phenomenal. It's an insight all endurance athletes can benefit from hugely so get your [...]
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