The 33Fuel Blog

Nutrition for marathon training
Nutrition for marathon training: how much should I eat on the run?Simple answer? There isn't one. Sorry about that.You see everyone's different and age, weight and gender all play a huge part, as does experience - the more you've run, the more efficient your metabolism and the better you'll know how to manage it. This [...]
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Energy gels for running
Energy gels for running - how often should I take a gel?This is a question that comes up a lot whenever the topic turns to sports nutrition in endurance from marathon running and triathlon to road cycling and beyond. It's also one of the biggest causes of unnecessary performance loss for thousands of athletes across [...]
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Acesulfame k
Acesulfame K: the sweetener that's not so sweetWhile talking endurance nutrition with wellbeing and performance coach George Anderson for a video we made exposing maltodextrin as the dodgy piece of work it is (you can see that one here), acesulfame K popped up.It was in the ingredients list on the back of an SIS gel I [...]
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Fat adaption for endurance athletes
Fat adaption for endurance athletes - what it is, why it matters and how to do itWhen we exercise we have two forms of fuel. There are our carb stores which are good for a couple of hours, and there are our fat stores which, even in a lean body, will keep us going for [...]
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Whey protein for endurance athletes
Whey protein for endurance athletes - why whey is the worst choice when it comes to proteinWhen it comes to recovery and rebuilding after heavy sessions and races, whey protein is rubbish and about the last thing you want to put into your body short of deep fried Mars bars. While this contradicts almost everything [...]
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