The 33Fuel Blog

How Many Hours To Train For Ironman?
An Ironman is an iconic distance in triathlon. Whether competitor or completer, it’s a challenge many aspire to. But what about the training - how many hours do you really need to train for an Ironman? Train smart and the answer's a lot less than you might think
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How To Cycle Faster Downhill
For cycling success no stone is left unturned. Diet is optimised, training is blitzed and kit fettled. Yet technique for cycling faster downhill and in corners is often overlooked. With a world of free speed on offer for no extra physical effort, you can easily harness momentum and gravity 👉
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Endurance: How smiling improves exercise performance
If we’re smiling when running it not only shows that we’re enjoying ourselves, it could also help us perform betterIn a recent post on training motivation, 33Fuel co-founder Warren melded a quote from Irish endurance legend Gerry Duffy - “You don’t have to train, you get to train” - with the Latin phrase ‘memento mori’, which means [...]
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Heartbeats per mile
Endurance athletes are used to using heart rate per minute to monitor training, but new evidence suggests measuring heartbeats per mile could be even better…When you want to know how expensive your car will be to run, you ask about its miles per gallon, not its miles per minute, right? So why not take a [...]
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Why a strong core could be your weak link
Endurance athletes are forever told that developing ‘strong core’ muscles will make them more robust, allowing them to train more consistently and produce better results. But today’s cautionary blog explains how that’s a bit of an oversimplification...First, the prologue. This blog is written from painful experience and is being typed at a standing desk with a large emerging [...]
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