The 33Fuel Blog

Plant-based protein benefits - your questions answered
We love it when a post triggers passion and comment - our piece on plant-based protein benefits over whey sparked a lot of debate! Here we answer your most frequently asked questions - can plant protein really be better than whey?FAQ 1: Doesn’t whey contain more protein than plant proteins?Actually, no. Calorie for calorie, many plant [...]
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Whey Protein VS Plant Protein - Which Is Best?
The benefits of protein have been understood for ages but until recently meat and dairy were seen as the only sources. Now mounting evidence supports plant protein sources, and with significant health benefits for athletes. As plant protein's credibility mounts in elite sport, we explore the differences between whey protein and plant protein
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Calorie measurement for performance
Performance measurement used to be easy - you went fast and a mate timed you. Now we’ve got enough data to flummox a 1980s rocket scientist yet simple calorie measurement is all too often overlooked. But when used properly, it’s an easy win for all of usMeasure those calories, lighten up and fly!Never the good-looking [...]
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Dairy products and athletic performance - good or bad?
Dairy products and athletic performance - good or bad?Milk, cheese and yoghurt have been at the centre of our diets for so long the assumption they are good, natural and healthy products goes almost without question, particularly when so many dairy industry marketing campaigns like ‘Got Milk?’ in the US and ‘Make Mine Milk’ in [...]
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Do you get a sports nutrition hangover?
Good sports nutrition feels awesome. It is a joy to eat, tastes great, is easy on the stomach and delivers a perfect plateau of long lasting, stable energy. Better still, it speeds up your recovery and leaves you with pep in your step the morning after race day.Is this how your sports nutrition feels?If you're [...]
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