Bradley Wiggins nutrition

33Fuel founders Bradley Wiggins

Recently, an order dropped into our inbox here at 33Fuel that made us almost fall off our chairs because not only was it substantial – a three month supply of our Pre & Post Workout Shakes in one hit – it was from Sir Bradley Wiggins. 

Yes, that Sir Bradley Wiggins, he of the Tour de France yellow jersey, four Olympic golds and more track world championships than we can count.

Bradley Wiggins nutrition

Bradley Wiggins uses our Shakes and pays for them himself. To say we're honored is an understatement

We were blown away. The world's greatest all-round cyclist was voting conclusively with his feet for our products.

Not only that, he didn't even play the superstar game by asking for freebies or having an agent sort it out for him. 

Nope, he put in an order online in our store just like anyone else and paid for it out of his own pocket, just like anyone else. We had big respect for the man before this, it went through the roof at this point.

He'd added his email to the order and so we dropped him a quick note to let him know how honored we were (once our hands had stopped shaking that was). We certainly didn't expect a reply, but that's exactly what we got, and here it is:

"Thanks, love the product Bradley" 

We felt like we'd just won the Tour de France ourselves that day, and when we'd calmed down enough to get back to work (it took a while), we made up his order fresh and by hand, just as we do for everyone else, and posted it out to him. We later heard through Nigel Mitchell, formerly head of nutrition at Team Sky, that Wiggins was loving the Shakes and even taking two a day at times.

So if you're deadly serious about your performance and understand the need for real nutrition, head in-store today and get stuck in. We'll make your products fresh by hand and with the exact same care as we did for Bradley Wiggins.

33fuel bradley wiggins nutrition - bradley wiggins energy bar elite pre and post workout shake

Want to do a Wiggo? Pick up a bundle of our Pre & Post Workout Shakes to see what all the fuss is about

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