The 33Fuel Blog

Why Athletes Need Protein
The proper endurance nutrition is important for endurance athletes. Those who do not focus on proper endurance nutrition they will see their performance diminish with training. Athletes who focus on giving their bodies the exact nutrients will have much more energy and vigor during training. Protein is one of the most important aspects of endurance [...]
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The Key to Ironman Nutrition
Remember Popeye? The one-eyed sailor who ate spinach and flexed his muscles? Well, the recent explosion of research into superfood nutrition may well give this vegetarian role model the last laugh. Take spirulina, for example, an algae with a whopping 60% protein content, containing the whole range of amino acids vital for muscle growth and [...]
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Marathon Nutrition at its Best
With the London Marathon coming up in April, now is the time for marathon enthusiasts to begin their preparation. Yet what many endurance athletes fail to recognise is the importance of the adage you are what you eat. Too many runners this year will just fall shy of that personal personal, too many will be [...]
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How Superfoods Improve Health
Endurance athletes are in a class all their own. They train harder than most people could dream of handling. Their endurance nutrition is always on point. Nothing passes through their lips unless it is contains the perfect ratio of calories and nutrients. You would be hard pressed to find another athlete that has the same level of [...]
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Chia Seeds the Superfood
Runners and cyclists are always looking for the perfect, portable, and nutrient dense food to give them energy during their long races. Endurance nutrition is critical for athletes who expend calories and energy at incredible rates. Without proper nutrition and energy an athlete will “hit the wall” well before the end of the race. 33Fuel has [...]
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