The 33Fuel Blog

Top 5 vitamin D food sources
A vitamin D deficiency is linked to loads of health conditions such as fatigue, bone weakness, diabetes, various heart conditions and depression. Our best source of vitamin D is the sun so in dark, gloomy winter months it can be...
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Busting diet myths with Gillian Killiner
Gillian Killiner is this week’s guest on the 33Fuel podcast. After being diagnosed with thyroid disease Hashimoto’s, Gillian reversed it with nutrition and exercise and it was the catalyst to her founding 121 Dietitian and becoming one of the UK’s top dietitians...
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Low fat, no fat or full fat - which is best?
Should you avoid fat, reduce it, or go gangbusters on it in your quest for health and performance?Welcome to the great, big, juicy low fat/no fat/full fat issue because if you research the subject of fat and health you will fast find three wholly contradictory themes: Eating fat makes you fat. Therefore you should eat none. [...]
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