The 33Fuel Blog

Swim training when the pool is closed
Build the resilient mindset that lets you maximise training results anywhere using these seven tips learned in a busy swimming pool... Busy pools can disrupt your training, but it needn't derail youBefore lakes open in spring, swimmers and triathletes up and down the country have to cope with packed swimming pools and I can tell you [...]
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Pre-workout nutrition: what to eat and what to avoid
Your pre-workout nutrition choices make a huge difference to the outcome of the session. Correct pre-workout nutrition means you’re able to push harder with better energy levels and reap more performance gains. Come race day, nailing your pre-workout nutrition means you’ll get the best from yourself. But what should you eat? And when? Do you [...]
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Mindfulness for athletes
Physical training's just part of the performance process - more and more studies are demonstrating the power of mindfulness. With increasing numbers of elite athletes embracing it daily – can you afford to ignore this free performance gain?Hit the trails with increased perception and awarenessMindfulness - what is it?Mindfulness is about being self-aware. It’s about [...]
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5 mental tricks to maximise training effect
Training effect measures the impact of an activity on your physiology. Whether you’re an endurance athlete building to a marathon or deadlifting 200kg on a hardcore muscle journey, to improve performance you need to maximise training effectPhysical training matters for results, but there are other strategies you can employ to gain an edge over the [...]
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